Friday, March 22, 2013


Book Review on IQ84

I won’t lie, it was the title and the  book cover which got my attention. Two letters and two numbers. What could it possibly mean? I have  always enjoyed reading foreign books, but none had caught my attention so forcibly quick.  I had to buy it. A book with mysterious numbers and different faces as the cover, a man in the back and a woman in the front.   I had a small  misconception at the beginning, I confused the one with an I . In reality the title is 1984, the Q means question. This is a very complex book, divided  into 3 sections, and  its separated like a calendar, you can feel  the seasons pass, with every word. This book starts briefly by describing Aomame and her line of work, then it switches into Tengo’s life. Each chapter  has varying different accounts of their life or certain events. Half of the book you are wondering  what is Aomame’s  and Tengo’s  relationship . But with clues lying around in each chapter,  you will be able to access  the whole situation. 
Aomame is a woman, that  is an expert  gym trainer, she works at a private gym company , and sometimes goes  to some clients houses. She had a difficult childhood being raised in a Christian sect, similar to the Jehovah witnesses.  Every Saturday she would knock on doors, to have them shut down. During school days she was forced to say a prayer out loud before every meal, and was ostracized, for it.   One day a boy stands up for her , she would never forget him throughout  her whole life . The day before she decides to escape ,she hold a boys hand, and ever since then she kept loving him.  She never had any close friends, and lives a reserved life.  Her only friend dies, of an overdose of  painkillers, because her husband abused her. She leaves Aomame a letter behind  giving her reasons. One day a dowager offers her an extra job apart of being  her trainer. A job that she believes only Aomame can do due to her expertize. The killing of abusive men. They develop a method that is clean and leaves no trace or evidence

Tengo Kawana  has great ambitions. He is an unpublished novelist who works as a math tutor at a prep school. His mother died when he was very young; his earliest memory is of his mother in bed with a man who was not Tengo's father. His father worked for NHK going door to door collecting the network's reception fee, and he used to make Tengo go with him every Sunday. He would see often a girl walking with her mother  near the same  are his father worked. One day he decides to protect the girl and the girl thanks him by holding his hand. She disappears  after some days, and he never hears from her again. But he can’t shake her off his memory, she was  his first love. 
Tengo and Aomames fate is intertwined. They were meant for each other, but in the real world they would never meet. Aomame  going late  for  one of her special jobs takes a cab and  while in traffic decides, to take a shortcut  through some stairs. Once she passes the stairs ,without noticing she is transported into a parallel world. Comes the night and she realizes that there are two moons in the sky. Tengo on the other hand , ends up having to edit  a book by a dyslexic girl with the pen name  Fuka Eri.  Fuka Eri can see little people, and somehow most of what she says in her book  “Air chrysalis” comes true.  Tengo and Aomame end up, teaming up and fighting against the blue people on their side, each relying on some outside help in order to defeat them. At the time their troubles began they  didn’t know that each other was trying the best  to defeat the little people. Eventually they find each other and escape from the parallel world together,  starting a new life.  But I recommend it if you’re, interested in the supernatural, some exotic scenes, and learning  more about IQ84’s secrets.

Adam Lanza

News that could have been prevented
Andrea V

All of you  have probably heard or read about Adam Lanza. Let me refresh your memory, he was the psychotic kid who had a mental breakdown and shot  twenty first graders and their teachers, and his mother.  After these news one wonders what has America turned into? Why aren’t  there more gun control  regulations. Why can anyone order guns by mail and receive them without restrictions?
President Obama hasn’t changed any laws, or applied any new regulations regarding on  the  guns and disarmament issue. He believes in the policy of existing law. That means that he takes steps that protect  the Second Amendment rights of the American people. But that does not ensures that weapons do not fall into the hands of individuals who should not obtain them.
In the past years, President Obama has been involved modestly in a limited regulation of firearms. For example, he made a policy of keeping guns out of inner cities. In 2007, he cosponsored a bill to limit purchases to one gun per month. In 2008 , he endorsed the Illinois handgun ban. He also believes that local action is necessary rather than complete government involvement.


In the U.S.  four million firearms are manufactured every year. The main reasons people in the United States buy guns is for safety, and for sport (hunting and competition). This industry brings in a lot of cash, and stronger regulations would mean a loss of money for the manufacturers.  
 An activist group called The Freedom Group  joined with the National Rifle Association to fight against a federal ban on assault weapons.  Both groups want to create simple and effective manufacturing and safety standards, background checks for all gun sales,  propose a  gun legislation that might help law enforcement solve gun crimes, and curb preventable gun violence.
   To  help solve the problem President Barack Obama and other politicians are calling for a renewed ban on tactical assault rifles. There is a study that links stricter gun laws in general, such as assault weapon bans, trigger locks , and safe-storage laws, to a reduction in gun violence. Also, It has  been proven that the more guns in a Society, the more crime it has.  If President Obama reinforces stronger laws, the problem over gun control  will be on its route to a solution.
  I strongly believe that with so many cases of massive killings, we should  teach  at schools the responsibilities and dangers of carrying a gun, and how to use it properly in case of being  in danger.  It would also be better just to give them to law enforcement officials and military, limiting  its use by civilians. I believe that civilians can purchase a limited amount of guns (pistols, revolvers) or rifles, but should not have access to any assault weapon. I also believe that any one applying for a permit to carry a weapon should have a criminal background check and should have psychological tests in order to determine if the individual is fit to handle a gun. This should be a world wide solution, not just in America.